Covenant Medical Technology

03 August 2016-
Did you know that approximately 11,000 patients per year leave the hospital in The Netherlands with unnecessary harm related to medical technology?
The care is increasingly paying attention to the role of technology and medical devices in the context of patient safety. Reports of for example NIVEL show the influence and the role of technology in incidents and injuries to patients. In the course of time the notion has arisen that medical technology encompasses much more than just equipment "with a plug": it is also about implants, instruments, disposables and medical software, as defined in the Act on Medical Devices.
Medical technology is therefore a priority of hospital branche and government. It is part of the safety management of the healthcare institution.
NAMCO supported NVZ and NFU in the creation of the "Covenant for a safe application of medical technology in hospitals," published November 2011. In August 2016 the second edition has been published.
The implementation of the Covenant in the daily practice proofs to be far from easy. NAMCO helps healthcare institutions with the implementation of the Covenant medical technology and has developed various templates to give the healthcare institutions a quick start. NAMCO also provides training, quick scans and audits on this topic.
For more information please contact René Drost, mobile 06-51456938, email: